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Our Community

"Being a part of our community, and helping our children to explore all that is around them, is embedded in all that we do"

Village Celebrations 

As a Preschool we participate in a number of local celebrations and traditions, sharing these with our children and parents.  From Maypole dancing at the Mayfair to 'Angel Fest' and the tree festival in December, we support our families in being involved in these events if they wish, supporting our community as they support us.

Our Families and Local People

We feel it is important to include parents and local people in to our children's learning. We invite bilingual parents in to join us for story telling sessions, or share family traditions with us.  We receive visits from our village PCSO, our brave local firefighters respond to fire drills and talk about fire safety and we also visit them!  We are also lucky enough to enjoy lambing visits and have access to a beautiful meadow...

Local Groups and Societies

Being a charity funded, community preschool we are often fundraising.  Our local community groups really support this, for which we are very thankful - making donations or including us in their events.  During these events we join with our parents, in getting our children involved.  From dressing up to support the Mayfield Bonfire Society's yearly parade, to creating art or growing plants to submit in the Mayfield Horticultural yearly show.  These are brilliant events that all can enjoy, bringing our community together and helping our little ones to appreciate all that the world has to offer.  For more information on local organisations and companies who sponsor us, click here.

The Village Project

We are part of a county funded 'Village Project', joining with Mayfield Primary School to enhance teaching and learning across the Early Years Foundation Stage in both settings. For more information please click on the image.

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Mayfield Preschool 

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