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Fees, Funding and Admissions


If you would like your child to join us at Mayfield Pre-School, then please complete the Registration Form and return it to us via email or by post, along with a £100 registration/Deposit fee - This covers new starter administration; 2 settling in sessions of 1 hour each; a Puddle Suit and £50 off your first invoice. We welcome prospective families anytime during opening hours and invite you to drop in to look round with your child, getting a feel for the environment and our lovely team.  If you would like to arrange a visit simply phone us on 01435 872523.


As a charity funded, community Pre-school we feel it important to serve our local area well and fairly. Therefore parents can use the EYEE (15 hour and 30 hour funding) to fund any of our sessions from 9.15am-2.30pm (full sessions starting at 8.45am must be taken) daily, including the lunch hour.  With effect from September 2024, our hourly rate is £8.40 and our sessional care package is £3.00.  Our fee structure can be viewed here.


Our fees policy can be found herePlease email if you require any other details, or alternatively for any further queries or questions, please, contact us here.

Funded Children

Our lunchtime story and lunch box sessions run from 11.30am-12.30pm

Children are expected to bring a ‘nut free’ packed lunch if they are with us over the lunchtime period.





Non-Funded - 2 year olds

The 30 Hour Offer

Since September 2017 we have offered up to 30 hours funded childcare, through the Early Years Education Entitlement (EYEE).

Parents will be entitled to up to 30 hours of Early Education and Childcare at Mayfield Pre-School if they meet the following Government criteria:

  • Your child will be aged 3 or 4 

  • Both parents must be working - or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family

  • Each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage

  • Each parent must have an annual income of less than £100,000

  • You live in England

Parents will not necessarily need to actually work 16 hours a week, but rather their earnings must reflect at least 16 hours of work at NMW or NLW.  This means that, when the new entitlement goes live, a working parent who is over 25 will need to earn a weekly minimum equivalent of £152 whereas a working parent who is 21 will need to earn weekly minimum equivalent of around £107 (at this year’s rates). 

Parents on zero contract hours who meet the criteria are included in the entitlement criteria.

The 30 hours sessions offered at our setting are from 9.15am-2.30pm (sessions run from 8.45am-3pm) Monday to Thursday, and 9.15am-12.30pm (sessions run from 8.45am-12.30pm) on Friday, during term time.

The 15 Hour Offer

If you are not eligible for the 30 hour offer, do not worry.  Mayfield Preschool also offer 15 hours of funded childcare to all children aged 3 or 4, and you can use these hours within our funded times.

For more information on receiving EYEE please click here, and to find out if you're eligible you can follow this link through East Sussex CC.

Tax FREE Childcare

For more information and to see if your eligible please follow this link. 

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Mayfield Preschool 

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