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Parents as Partners

Parents are 'children's first and most enduring educators'.  QCA, 2000.

We believe that education is a three-way partnership between the child, parent and teacher, and that sound communication is key to success in the Early Years Foundation Stage.  It is important that you feel involved in the education of your child.  We understand that starting pre-school can be an anxious time for parents, as well as children, and it is our aim to keep you as informed as we can on your child's learning so that we can work with you to enhance their early experiences and opportunities.

We aim to do this in the following ways:

  • Through Key Person communication at drop off and pick up.

  • Settling in sessions and tailored transition to preschool sessions.

  • Preschool Weekly Updates, summarising key learning that has taken place that week and what can can be done to follow up at home.

  • Termly Newsletters giving Preschool and Committee news.

  • Twice Yearly Parent Consultations.

  • Welcoming parents and families into Preschool through events and community celebrations.  We appreciate the diverse world we live in and welcome family members in to share about their occupation or family life, read a story to our children or to simply join us to play! We also welcome all parents to our regular Committee meetings and AGM in October, or to join the Committee themselves.

  • We use a secure, online learning journal called Famly to report on your child's learning regularly.


The impact of us working in partnership will be seen through your child's enjoyment in learning:

  • We will see a growth in their confidence and self-esteem as individuals as they see us communicate together.

  • Our shared interest in your child's development will present different perspectives and expertise.

  • Your child will feel happy and positive about themselves, and nurtured within the preschool environment - seen through their interaction.

  • As our mutual respect and understanding grows, so will your child's.


Know that we will work with you on everything, from helping your little one grow in confidence to potty training when the time is right...

Please, find out more about these areas mentioned and how you can become further involved in your child's learning by clicking on the photos below.

What is a learning journal?

How can I help at home?

Keeping my child safe...

The Committee

Education for All

Newsletters and 'Hot Topics'

"Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up".  

DfE 2017

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Mayfield Preschool 

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