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Physicality in EYRS

'Play - especially active physical play, like roughhousing - makes kids smart, emotionally intelligent, lovable and likeable, physically fit and joyful'. L.Cohen

Physical play in learning is a huge, huge part of how young children develop, not only their fine and gross motor skills, but also in shaping the type of future learner that they will become.  Research shows that physical play enhances concentration, motivation, learning and well-being, and it is suggested that all children engage in at least 3 hours of physical activity a day.
At Mayfield Preschool we are lucky to have a range of outdoor space, from a green garden to run and cycle in, to barked area for climbing, digging and crawling in, as well as access to a beautiful meadow to explore!  We also engage in physicality inside through setting up activities at different heights, encouraging children in finding and carrying resources to support activities from one place to another, and also in offering indoor push along and ride on toys, having regular active rhythm and rhyme times, and even doing yoga! 
To find out more about our aims, measures and success in pursuing a high standard of physicality in our setting please click here.  We are also working closely with East Sussex County Council having secured a HEPA grant.  Find out more about this here.
To support you in learning more about what physicality involves, and how you can support different forms of physical development, please follow the useful links from East Sussex Czone, below:
A Parent's Guide to Sensory Processing
Activities to Encourage Bilateral Hand Use
Activity Ideas to Develop Self Care Skills
Crossing the Mid-line (to lead to supporting writing)
Dressing and Toileting Help!
Hand Eye Coordination
Hand Grasp
Helping to Encourage Self Feeding
In-hand Manipulation
Learning to Sit with Balance
Pincer Grasp (leading to pencil grip)
Sensory Reasons for Behaviours
Caring Cutlery to Teach Knife and Fork Skills
'Help Me Move and Play'...
Age Specific Ebooks
18-24 Months
2-3 Years
3-4 Years
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Mayfield Preschool 

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