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Prevent Duty

What is Prevent?
Prevent is a government strategy designed to stop people being drawn into any form of terrorism, and from July 2015 all schools hold a duty to safeguard children from extremism and radicalisation. 
What does this mean at Pre-school?
At Mayfield Pre-School we have clear Safeguarding procedures in line with Prevent, which all staff and committee are aware of and for which parents have been emailed.  If we have any concerns regarding safeguarding, in particular relating to Prevent, we contact our LADO for advice (as per our Safeguarding Policy).
The Prevent Duty can be supported in preschool through many of the things we naturally do (through our PSHE learning) in supporting our children to become happy and caring individuals.  This is supported through the promotion of the Fundamental British Values, which to our little ones will incorporate their Golden Rules and look at promoting:
  • Mutual respect
  • Sharing
  • Exploring other cultures and religions and promoting diversity
  • Developing acceptance and so challenging prejudices and racist comments
  • Developing critical thinking skills and a positive self-identity
  • Promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children, as well as the British values such as democracy (at Preschool this translates as knowing we have 'golden rules' to follow and being fair in our play)
These ideas are not taught explicitly, rather through our children's daily interactions with one another, our team and in play or looking at books (see here for some lovely books that celebrate diversity).  Our team have all received training on The Prevent Duty, detailing what this means in practice to us.  They have also each completed Channel training.
More information for you...
To view the DfE's The Prevent Duty guidance here  or  view our Parent's Prevent Duty Guide.  You can also educate yourself further about the Prevent Strategy at or look on our safeguarding page for information on internet safety and links to the NSPCC website.  If you would like to discuss The Prevent Duty with one of the Managers, please feel free to make an appointment.
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