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The welfare of the children in our care is paramount and everyone (including all staff, students, volunteers and visitors) has a responsibility to ensure that any areas of concern involving a child who may be at risk of harm, are recognised and dealt with immediately.  
As with all childcare settings and schools, we have a legal, and moral obligation to ensure that any concerns or incidents of suspected abuse or harm are reported to the East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCB), via SPOA, or regarding staff to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
Parents will be notified of all concerns and referrals unless we are advised differently, and equally any concerns you have for a child can be reported either to a member of staff or directly to the ESSCB on 01273 481544.  Please find a letter to all parents regarding Child Protection Regulations here.
For more information you can visit the ESSCB website at or read our preschool Child Protection and Safeguarding policy here.
At Preschool
At Mayfield Preschool the Safeguarding leads are Charlie and Paige, with all staff having attended training both through county and in-house.  We have fortnightly supervision meetings with all staff to keep abreast of children's needs and any concerns staff may have.  We also have a manager's 'open door'  policy so that all staff and committee can express concerns to either safeguarding lead at any time. 
During the course of the working day we speak with your children about 'keeping safe' at their level - using equipment and tools safely, being mindful of others and working together.  We also ensure the safety and security of the premises and equipment by the following means: 
  • Fencing around the premises and secure external doors/gates.  

  • All equipment used is suitable and safe for the children.

  • All toys and equipment are checked regularly for safety. 

  • All electrical equipment is checked biannually. 

  • Before opening, the pre-school is checked every day by management for potential safety issues which are recorded on to daily risk-assessment forms and shared with the team at the start of the day.

  • Clear risk assessment procedures are in place and reviewed regularly. 

Within our setting all staff have full regard of The Prevent Duty. For information on this, please click here.  We ask that our parents be proactive in supporting us in keeping children safe, particularly by being mindful of photos posted on social media, and ask that no photos or videos including other people's children are posted of preschool events.  The importance of this is discussed here by the NSPCC.
At Home
The NSPCC produce many guides and resources to help keep young children and adults safe, including with regards to e-safety and their latest PANTS campaign.  E-safety is of huge importance in today's 'digital age', and with much of what we do being through technology we must work to keep our children safe - from restricting time spent on devices, to putting strict filters on the internet and being mindful of what they are accessing and how they perceive what they see.  If you would like information on e-safety, the PANTS campaign and other safeguarding resources produced by them please follow this link or click on the images below for resources.
DigiDuck's Big Decision:
Kidsmart e-safety Story
NSPCC Parent and Carers PANTS Guide (English)
smartie the penguin.png
Smartie the Penguin - e-safety Story
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Mayfield Preschool 

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